
Do you work with culture and creativity? Do not miss the new opportunity to add your voice to the policy development in the field of culture and creativity in Europe.

The EU-level invites cultural professionals and stakeholders from civil society in the European member countries to participate in five brainstorming sessions 2015 – 2016 focusing on different key issues. The core ideas from the brainstorming sessions will be gathered in a policy paper that will be presented to the European Commission and also be important to the working groups within the Open Method of Coordination (OMC). The structured dialogue was an important meeting place in the development of Creative Europe 2014 – 2020. For each brainstorming session 40 representatives will be invited to take part from across Europe. The first two calls for participants have just been launched. The deadline for applications is 25 March 2015!

  • Audience Development via Digital Means
    Brainstorming Session 18-19 June, Amsterdam/The Netherlands
  • Participatory Governance in Cultural Heritage
    Brainstorming Session 2-3 July, Florence/Italy

Apply via the following web site to make your voice heard in the European policy-making process: http://www.voiceofculture.eu

Find out more about the launch of the structured dialogue: http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/creative-europe/news/2015/0310-culture-dialogue_en.htm